Here is a drink which contains one of the most tasty beverages on the planet: Spiced Rum. Add to that, some coconut rum and a bit of Blue Curacao and a splash of Pineapple juice and you've got a great ...

We're looking at readily made Mojito mix recipes for a standard Simple Mojito and the sweeter Mango Mojito using the 10 Cane Mojito Rum Kit and the Roses's Mojito Mix.If you're sick of basic cocktails ...

Recipe for making "the perfect" Mai Tai.If you're sick of basic cocktails, expand your knowledge. Watch this mixed drink recipe video to learn how to mix a Mai Tai. Mixing drinks is easy. By widening ...

The average American consumes 27 pounds of bananas every year. If you're not getting your fair share, try this classic drink—you'll catch up in no time. Chill the cocktail glass by filling it with ic ...

The next best thing to being on a Caribbean beach? The Bahama Mama cocktail, of course! You will need:1/2 dark rum1/2 coconut liqueur1/4 151-proof rum1/4 coffee liqueur1/2 lemon juice4 pineapple juice ...

Don't pass up on this festive favorite because of the calories; just mix yourself a lighter version mojito. You will need:4 fresh mint leaves4 lime wedges1 1/2 low-calorie rumsome club sodaa Collins g ...

It's the cocktail that packs the perfect punch. Learn how to mix Planter's Punch. You will need:3 oz dark rum1 oz lime juice1 oz pineapple juice1 oz orange juice1 dash grenadineicea Collins glassone m ...

Enjoy the creaminess of a piña colada without all the calories. To make a low calorie piña colada, you will need:3 oz coconut rum2 oz low-fat milk3 tbsp crushed pineapplea blendericea Collins glassa s ...

Hang on to your hat! This hurricane will bowl you over -- in a good way. Learn how to mix a Hurricane.You will need:1 oz dark rum1 oz light rum1 tbsp passion fruit syrup2 tsp lime juiceicecocktail sha ...

What makes a milkshake Jamaican? Why don't "ja-make" one and find out?You will need:1. cup icea blender2 bourbon1 1/2 Jamaican rum (dark)1 1/2 milk or creamand an old fashioned glassA Jamaican milksha ...